Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play!

This week we played TIS – 100, Futuridium,  & Regular Human Basketball.

TIS – 100

 “It’s a game about writing in assembly.” 

A puzzle game by Zachtronics, TIS -100 is about fixing corrupted code to find the secrets of TIS -100. It’s in the assembly programming language and one of its features is a PDF  reference manual.

If you even understood a tiny segment of what I just said, you might enjoy the game. Find out more information on their website, or you can find it on Steam.


A Vita game, Futuridium is a space shooter in the vein of Star Fox — futuristic but bound by the retro format all the same.

The game is slightly problematic in that it is difficult to tell where you are relative to your environment. There’s no reference to where your ship is in 3 dimensional space. A larger or more determinate shadow (there is one, but it is off to the side and unclear) or occlusion would’ve been helpful in establishing where the ship is in relation to the rest of the space. The trail behind the ship is lovely, but often gets in the way of the rest of viewing the ship and further complicates looking around the space.

The soundtrack is very much in the same headspace as Resogun, so if that’s your bag and you’re looking to give a space shooter a try, then check out Futuridium on PS4 and PS Vita.

Regular Human Basketball 

It’s like QWOP had a SportsFriends flavored love child with Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. A 2-10 player game, Regular Human Basketball is a game not about dangerous mechanized ball players but about real basketball players. 100% human. Competitive, two teams control two separate basketball players as they attempt to score goals on each other. Just like real basketball with a little bit extra. Also just like real basketball, the game gets more interesting when you stop playing fair.

The game is available for free on and you can find out more about the game on the Powerhoof website.

Have an indie game that you love? Or that could’ve used a little bit more love? Be sure to come out to indie game night every Monday night at 6:30PM at Awesome Inc. We’ll be the folks in the back with the laptops.