Lexitron: Game Guidelines
Content requirements
- • The game must be stable. While games in development are fine they must be to the point where they can run unattended with few problems. Popups that require keyboard/mouse input are especially bad.
- • Since the game may be on display in many different locations the content must be “Teen rated” or lower
Technical requirements
- • Windows 7 (64 bit) compatible game
- • 1920 x 1080 display; native resolution preferred, launcher hasn’t been tested with resolution changes
- • Should not depend on network access
- • The game should start in fullscreen
- • The game should hide the mouse cursor
- • Players will not have access to the keyboard/mouse
- • Two controllers will always be connected
- • Game needs to respond to XInput (Xbox 360 controller). The Lexitron has the following controls per player:
- • Left D-Pad
- • A, B, X, Y (colored and arranged like the 360 buttons, but unlabeled)
- • Left and Right bumpers (unlabeled white and black buttons, respectively)
- • Button layout:
- • Gamepad-to-player assignment should be stable across restarts
- • Game also needs to respond to the big green LEX button:
- • Tapping the LEX button sends keyup/keydown events for the “[” key. This is the game launch signal for the launcher. It could be used to trigger your game’s pause menu.
- • Holding the LEX button for more than 2 seconds sends a keydown for the “]” key. This is the game quit signal.
- • On receiving the quit signal (“]” keydown), the game should exit gracefully within a couple of seconds.
- • Responding to the launch signal (“[” keydown/keyup) is optional.
- • The game may respond to the coin insertion signal (“=” keydown/keyup), but should not require it.
- • After a minute or two of inactivity the game should exit automatically
- • Reduce or eliminate menus
- • If you need input to start the game, consider accepting any button, including the LEX button
- • Blue (X) is at the top left of the button layout and makes a better primary button than green (A) if you can’t accept any button
- • Game executable and game data
- • Command line needed to start the game if nonstandard (e.g. Lexitron-specific arguments, fullscreen mode, etc.)
- • Game title
- • Game description
- • Game logo/image (size TBD)
- • Game developer name
- • Game developer description
- • Media info: web site, Facebook, Twitter, etc.