Hurdle Complete: Mortimer’s Mansion

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by the fine folks at HVRE for their game Mortimer’s Mansion.  When we signed...

Hurdle Complete: PizzaQuest

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by Jeff Wright for his game PizzaQuest.  I had high hopes going into Hurdles that I...

Hurdle Complete: Willow

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by Kevin Overall for his game Willow as well as his Ludum Dare 36 game, No Man Has...

Hurdle Complete: Legends of Saviors

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by Chris Royce for his games in the “Legends of Saviors” series.  With a...

Hurdle Complete: El Lobo Lives

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by Stephen Smith for his game El Lobo Lives.  These hurdles these last four weeks...