Hurdle Complete: Super Soul

This blog post is posted as a part of the Hurdles series of work and tell game development. To find out more about Hurdles, please check out our handy FAQ. This blog post was provided by Super Soul for their Kickstarted infinite runner game. We at Super Soul are...
Hurdles Round 2

Hurdles Round 2

This week, our second set of Hurdlers will show off their first set of goals! I’m proud to present our new Hurdlers and their projects. Don’t forget to come check out how our Hurdlers are doing on their first goals on Tuesday (7/5)! Christopher Royse – Legend of...

Ludum Dare 31

For this December’s Ludum Dare, RunJumpDev only had one entry: Richie Hoagland’s Peter Padder Pauleypop. The game has been featured on Warp Door and Killscreen. Peter Padder Pauleypop is a love poem to SNES Final Fantasy games, a simple game that has...

Ludum Dare 29: Results

This year for Ludum Dare’s 48 game jam, RunJumpDev had a decent turn out. Head quartered at the Super Soul office, teams gathered together to jam and create (as well as play a lot of Fifa). From these great minds came three pretty fantastic games. This...

Shave and a Haircut – 8 Bit

Game lovers from all around showed up last Friday night at the Market Street Barbershop to play video games and talk with the local developers who made them. Nathan Fouts, the founder of Mommy’s Best Games, organized the event as a launch party for the new...