Minutes from April Monthly Meeting 2014

This monthly meeting we discussed PAX, what we learned and what we had done differently. At the same time we discussed some large future plans. Tentatively, the next Monthly Meeting is scheduled for May 28, 7PM at Awesome Inc. The topic will be IndieCade, which...

Ludum Dare 29: Results

This year for Ludum Dare’s 48 game jam, RunJumpDev had a decent turn out. Head quartered at the Super Soul office, teams gathered together to jam and create (as well as play a lot of Fifa). From these great minds came three pretty fantastic games. This...

March Meetup – Undrcvr – 3/26/2014

When: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Where: Base 163: 163 E. Main St., Lexington, 3rd Floor What Time: 7:00pm How Much: FREE Parking: Free Street Parking Undercvr is a local get together oriented around introducing college students to local tech startup companies....

Indie Game Night 3-3-14

Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play! Today’s game included 18 Cadence, Gang Beasts, & Nothing to Hide. 18...

Indie Game Night 2-17

Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play! This week we played Flappy Bird,  & Jazzpunk. Flappy Bird  Flappy Bird, with...

Indie Game Night 2-3-14

Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play! This week we played Neon Shadow, how do we Do it, and Snake 2. Neon Shadow  Neon...

Minutes from January 2014 Monthly Meeting

It’s the start of a new year, and we have to talk about the future of RunJumpDev — how do we help our members grow and learn, and facilitate the creation of game designers in Lexington and beyond? RJD Members Game development commercially game development...

January Meetup – 1/29/2014

When: Wednesday, January 28, 2014 Where: Awesome Inc. What Time: 7:00pm How Much: FREE Parking: Free Street Parking This is an informal meeting to discuss the next year at RunJumpDev. John Meister will lead an informal discussion on where the group is headed, but feel...

Global Game Jam 2014 Games

This years Global Game Jam 2014 had the theme “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  Several game developers gathered together at BCTC’s Newtown Campus to work on their games, as well as to showcase those games. Special...

Global Game Jam 2014

        RunJumpDev – Global Game Jam 2014 is an event where participants come together over a weekend and build new games. Everyone is given a common theme or constraint and the fun is seeing the different, creative directions that people take the...