Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play!

This week we played Neon Shadow, how do we Do it, and Snake 2.

Neon Shadow 

Neon Shadow is a tablet based first person shooter with no micro-transactions. The single person campaign is lacking, as is typical of the genre, but the game is addictive and well designed.  The game is iOS and Android compatible, and can be played with multiple players on the same device.

The game can be played over a LAN connection, and we had four simultaneous players on four devices during play. The game is 99 cents in the app store.

 how do we Do it


A game made for the Global Game Jam 2013, how do we Do it is a game about emergent sexuality and the understanding of sex. You play as a girl bashing two naked Barbie-like figures together while thinking about what sex actually is.

The game has an interesting grasp on ragdoll physics, and is certainly distinctive. In a relatively brief game it manages to capture a  moment in childhood. You can play it here.

Snake 2 


Snake 2  is a Global Game Jam king from a few years ago where you play as a snake with a hand on the back end that can fight and shoot its way through a cityscape before facing off against the Butt King.

You can play the game at the Global Game Jam website.