Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play!

Today’s game included SportsFriends, and  Hot Diggity.


A compendium of sports related mini local multiplayer games that include Hokra, Johann Sebastian Joust, Pole Riders, and BariBariBall, SportsFriends is an exciting look at collaboration between a variety of developers with myriad styles.

The games are all local multiplayer and are all about sports, but that is pretty much the sole unifying factor. The games feature pole vaulting a la Qwop as well as an intense version of keep away. The variety is a great element for a party game like SportsFriends and allows users to have a host of different experiences depending on the skill level and interest of the players.

We also delved into two of SportsFriends secret games FLOP (also known as Wiggly Pong) and Get On Top, which is a game about not smashing your head into the ground but trying to do the opposite to your opponent. Both are incredibly brief 2 player experiences.

Hot Diggity 

An entry into Ludum Dare 29, Hot Diggity is a game about mining. The theme for the Ludum Dare 29 was “Beneath the Surface,” and this Compo game clearly fit the theme.

There is a lot of replayablity to what should’ve been a simple game. You play a modifiable drilling machine being chased by an approaching monster. The game ends when you overheat, or when the monster reaches you. In this sense, it is sort of an “endless driller.” The game was initially intended to be procedurally generated, but instead the game uses a single seed that generates similar content no matter the play.

The developer has a pretty fantastic Post Mortem, which you can view on the Ludum Dare site.