Monday nights, 6PM, at Awesome Inc., we meet up to expose ourselves to indie games. C’mon out and look at how small game designers are pushing the medium, or bring something we can play!

This week we played two games, Phonopath and the Yahwg


Phonopath is a audio puzzle game based around the mechanics of an ARG. The game has several levels of play where an audio clip is played and a password is requested. If you want to progress, you have to decipher the password from the audio clip — but this can only be done through manipulating the sound file with an external program.

The game features a narrator of sorts from whom you can extract clues, and his dialogue is one of the more fascinating character aspects of the game.

The game is available online at the Phonopath website

the Yahwg
the Yahwg

The Yahwg is a one to four person choose your own adventure game with a distinctive art style. You have to prepare for some unknown fearful thing called the Yahwg that is coming soon. When he arrives, the world will never be the same.

Your characters must choose how to deal with the disaster, by choosing between several locations such as the Alchemy Tower, the Hospital or the Pub.

The game is available for $5 preorder on their website

Join us next week for more indie games, and feel free to bring your own.