Global Game Jam 2016

RunJumpDev – Global Game Jam 2016 is an event where participants come together over a weekend and build new games. Everyone is given a common theme or constraint and the fun is seeing the different, creative directions that people take the idea. In the beginning...

Ludum Dare 34

RunJumpDev – Ludum Dare 34 is an event where participants come together over a weekend and build new games. Everyone is given a common theme or constraint and the fun is seeing the different, creative directions that people take the idea. In the beginning people pitch...

Ludum Dare 29: Results

This year for Ludum Dare’s 48 game jam, RunJumpDev had a decent turn out. Head quartered at the Super Soul office, teams gathered together to jam and create (as well as play a lot of Fifa). From these great minds came three pretty fantastic games. This...

Ludum Dare game jam this weekend! (4/26 – 4/28)

Run Jump Dev will be hosting a gathering for game jammers who’d like to colocate for the weekend. This will be much less structured than the Global Game Jam; food will not be provided, but we may put together some ad-hoc group delivery orders. When: 7PM 4/26 to...