When: Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
Where: Base 163: 163 E. Main St., Lexington, 3rd Floor
What Time: 7:00pm
How Much: FREE
This month is a social event where you can show off your current game project, pitch your new game idea, or just eat pizza with other game developers. We’ll also discuss the Game Developers Conference and game ideas for the MolyJam.
When: Friday, March 30th, 2012
Where: To be determined
What Time: 7:00pm
How Much: FREE
@petermolydeux is a long running satire of the sometimes grand pronouncements of notable game designer Peter Molyneux (former head of Bullfrog and Lionhead), known for sometimes grandiose ideas. Moly Jam is a game jam focused on bringing to life some of the crazy game ideas. Check out some of the ideas here: http://molydeux.tumblr.