I’m super excited to introduce our first three Hurdlers and their goals for this week!
Matt Hudgins is working on Home Sweet Home, which is an FMV game from the 1950s that parodies the idyllic home life as seen on TV! His goal this week is to develop a comfortable, non-intrusive mouse interface for Home Sweet Home with a new scene for the game that specifically takes advantage of this new interface.
Tim Knowlton is continuing his work on Disc Jockey Jockey, an audio game about managing FM radio DJ microphones after massive equipment failure, by updating his PressKit to include various new features that have been implemented into the game. Additionally, Tim is looking to create a pipeline for making Vines of gameplay, since audio is such an important part of the experience of Disc Jockey Jockey.
Vince Mattingly will be spending this week focusing on creating art for his game, Super Capacitor, which is an FPS with a singleplayer/co-op linear campaign and a multiplayer arena combat populated by cats in mech suits. Vince will be creating key models such as the player character’s first-person and third person models.
Next week, we’ll check in and see how they did!
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